sand and bags are available behind
Gautier city hall, 3330 hwy 90, gautier, MS 39553. These bags will be self-serve and 
available on a first come first serve basis
Bring your own shovel

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Gautier Office

3305 Gautier Vancleave Rd,
Gautier, MS 39553

Monday -  Friday
Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

(228) 497-2276


Jackson County Office

500 Highway 90 
Gautier, Mississippi 39553

Monday - Friday
Hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

228-497-1313 / 228-497-4800 (Fax) 


The first primary for City elections will be held May 2, 2017.
The second primary, if necessary, will be held May 16, 2017. 
The general election will be June 6, 2017.
The polling place for city elections is the Gautier Convention Center located at 2012 Library Lane.
For more information please contact the City Clerk Department at
228.497.8000 or email

The last day to register to vote in the Primary Election is
April 1, 2017 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

The City Clerk’s office will be open the following Saturdays
8:00 am to 12:00 pm for Absentee Ballot Voting:

  • April 22nd & April 29th  (for May 2nd primary)
  • May 6th & May 13th   (for May 16th runoff, if needed)
  • May 27th & June 3rd   (for June 6th general)


Welcome to the Beautiful
City of Gautier!

Gautier, pronounced GO-chay or GO-shay depending upon whom you ask, is a young and growing city in the heart of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 

This attractive city is known as “Nature’s Playground” due to our meandering bayous, beautiful waterfront amenities, outdoor recreation, championship-level golf course, abundant wildlife, Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge, and 400-acre Shepard State Park. 

We boast a high-performing public school system, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College’s Jackson County campus, a business-friendly atmosphere with one of the coast’s lowest tax rates, an emerging eco-tourism industry, and some of the nicest residents you’ll ever meet. 

Gautier is listed among the 10 happiest cities in the state, based on a survey citing our housing costs, commute times, wildlife, and outdoor recreation. 

During a 2002 annexation, the city doubled its size, and we continue to grow. We now have a population of 18,600 on our 33 square miles.We have some of the highest home values and lowest crime rates in Jackson County, and our median income is higher than the state average and most of our coastal neighbors

Photo Gallery

Paula Yancey,
 City Manager


Flood Safety Information

Copyright 2017 by City of Gautier, Mississippi, USA